Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The army parades past the King on their return

The Prussians did well holding of the French at Partizan on Sunday and made an orderly withdrawal to avoid being outflanked.

On their return the army marched past the King who saluted their efforts from the walls of the capitol.  Leading the parade were the heroes of the day, the dragoons of the von Kleist Freikorps.

von Kleist Frei-Dragoon regiment.

15 battalions of infantry led by I/IR 15, IR6 and III/IR 15 

 Frederick watches the march past

The infantry pass in review, followed by the cavalry under von Seydlitz 

 Schaumberg-Lippe-Buckerberg Carabiniers, DR 1 von Norman and CR2 Prinz von Preussen
 Bringing up the rear, HR5 von Reusch

The troops are now all back in barracks awaiting the next campaign and further chances of glory or an opportunity to redeem themselves.


  1. Crowds cheering and rejoicing - the war is over!
    Loved every minute of the weekend, and many thanks to you for the great company

  2. Very impressive parades!

  3. Super pictures! Always enjoy a visit here and a chance to see your work.

    1. Thanks David, and it was nice to say hello on Sunday.

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