This game might end up as being one of the most reported ever as in addition to this account (from Prussian perspective) it'll no doubt appear on Rob's blog and may even get written up for a magazine by Paul. We all met up at Rob's today to christen his new games room. As well as John and I, Rob had invited Paul Stephenson to join us for a large SYW game using Black Powder. John designed the scenario, based on one from CS Grant's wargames scenario book. We each had 5 btns of infantry, a unit of lights, 3 units of heavy cavalry, one of light and 2 guns. The commanders had mixed abilities, selected randomly. The Prussians ended up being led by a bunch of timid generals, the French were hesitant and the Hannoverians were aggressive (I think). Can't remember what the Austrians were.
Anyway, I played the Prussians, teamed up with Rob and his Hannoverians. John and Paul were the Austrians and French respectively. I won't give a blow-by-blow account but will merely dish up some of the highlights. (One of which was lunch - thanks Carol). Also, apart from numerous cries of despair from the right flank I'm not really sure what went on over there....
The scenario called for all forces to enter the table and attempt to secure three bridges spanning the river that ran down the length of the table (12 x 6....big!). The Franco/Austrian forces got the first move but didn't make much progreess, while the Prussians got 3 moves for the infantry brigade and stole a march on the enemy. Rob's Hannoverians barely made it onto the table... ;o(
My infantry lined the river and essentially shot the French cavalry to pieces as they were unable to close into contact or withdraw due to disorder and/or command constraints. In a moment of insanity, my cuirassier regiments declsred a charge across the river at a group of Austrian infantry in march column. Amazingly, they threw low enough and made 3 moves and crunched into the heads of the Austrian columns. Sadly, John threw some amazing saving rolls and it took 3 moves to destroy or disperse 3 btns of Austrian infantry. One of my cuirassier regts was caught and destroyed by Austrian and French infantry and artillery but the other one escaped to reform. Meanwhile my infantry had captured the bridge and destroyed some French cuirassiers and hussars, enough to stop the brigade in its tracks. In a protracted firefight in the centre the honours were more or less even as both sides lost an infantry btn but when the French lost their second it was clear that the Prussians were going to be able to hold their objective and the French were a spent force (well the cavalry were anyeway).
My infantry lined the river and essentially shot the French cavalry to pieces as they were unable to close into contact or withdraw due to disorder and/or command constraints. In a moment of insanity, my cuirassier regiments declsred a charge across the river at a group of Austrian infantry in march column. Amazingly, they threw low enough and made 3 moves and crunched into the heads of the Austrian columns. Sadly, John threw some amazing saving rolls and it took 3 moves to destroy or disperse 3 btns of Austrian infantry. One of my cuirassier regts was caught and destroyed by Austrian and French infantry and artillery but the other one escaped to reform. Meanwhile my infantry had captured the bridge and destroyed some French cuirassiers and hussars, enough to stop the brigade in its tracks. In a protracted firefight in the centre the honours were more or less even as both sides lost an infantry btn but when the French lost their second it was clear that the Prussians were going to be able to hold their objective and the French were a spent force (well the cavalry were anyeway).
In the centre the Austrians had secured the central bridge but the Hanoverians had the third on the right. Despite some unlucky die rolls and numerous blunders the Hannoverians held on and the end of the battle was in sight. Had we gone on a few more moves it may have been diferent but we had agreed a finish time at the start so with 2 bridges the Prussian/Hannoverian forces were able to claim a victory.
As always, the rules were great. Lots of swings and roundabouts and highs and lows but it all evened out in the end. Rob's new games room is awesome. The game was really well balanced and tense throughout. Between Rob and I we have almost as many men as in the real SYW! It was good to see Paul again and lunch was superb.
Roll on next time!