Friday, 22 April 2011


Arrived back from holiday yesterday to a pleasant surprise (apart from the weather that is). On the doormat were copies of Wargames Illustrated, Miniature Wargames, Phil Olley's magazine and the resurected Wargames Soldiers and Strategy AND Warlord's Hail Caesar rules. I have to say I am going off Flames of War Illustrated. Nothing to do with the content (well, maybe a bit as I have no real interest in gaming WWII using Flames of War) but the articles are in too many cases littered with typos and badly written English aimed (in my view) at punters with a reading age of about 12. WSS was good and I'm glad to see it back. I've not had a chance for more than a quick glance through Hail Caesar but it looks very pretty!

Anyway, the Nile cruise was fab and the ruins and temples awesome. One pic above was taken at Phillae and shows the names of British officers who died of sickness on the 1884-85 expedition. They're all from cavalry regiments which I am sure must be a big clue to which formation they were part of and what they were doing. Its a nice bit of history but a shame that it's defacing a 2500'ish year old temple!

I must get some painting done this weekend as I am hoping to have a game next week and need to get a couple of units finished, especially my British Legion infantry - I've not lifted a brush for almost 3 weeks, which is bad, even allowing for holidays.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Easter holidays

Since my last post at the end of March I have hardly had the time or motivation to paint anything and even less time to have another game. Just one of those things I guess - a combination of being busy at work, my stupid bad back and other stuff.....although I have written up a few American Revolution scenarios to fight using Black Powder. Anyway, On Tuesday evening I am going to Egypt on a Nile cruise for a week. Can't really take any stuff to paint but I must trawl amazon and see if there's anything interesting I can put onto my Kindle. My main fear is that I will return with an insatiable desire to start an ancient Egytptian army, especially as by the time I get home Warlord Games will have released their 'Hail Caesar' rules and a copy should be on my doormat. I received book 3 of British Grenadier scenarios last week, and althougb I am not a particular fan of the rules, the book itself is very nice indeed! Meanwhile the painting is mounting up as I have several units on the go at the moment - British Legion, Lee's Legion dragoons and infantry, Armand's Legion infantry and some Hessian generals. Anyway, I'd better go and look for my pithe helmet............