Monday, 5 August 2024

French Invasion of Sweden (as it might have happened): Battle for Skane #2

Part two of last week’s venture into Southern Sweden saw the French and their allies launch another attack on the Anglo-Swedish forces blocking the road to Malmo.  The latter had withdrawn to a new position a few miles behind the first battlefield and were reinforced by another brigade of Swedish infantry, a cavalry regiment and another English battalion. The French did not pursue actively due to the bloody nose they had received, but waited for reinforcements in the shape of the Danish infantry and cavalry brigades. On their arrival the army advanced towards the Anglo-Swedish position in some force. 

For this game John, Nigel and Richard were the ‘French’ while Paul, Jim and I were the Swedes and British. I decided to give Valour and Fortitude another run out as they were quick and would enable us to get through a pretty large game with well over 30 units a side in seven or eight brigades each.

The game proved to be an exciting bloodbath. Richard’s Spanish made slow progress against the Swedish left, although their cavalry did ride down a battery of guns and force Jim’s infantry into square for much of the game. On the Swedish right, I led two cavalry brigades against the entire Danish division. My main focus was on defeating Nigel's cavalry brigade, but they proved to be a tough nut to crack; by the end of the game, despite losing their hussar regiment, they’d passed every Valour and Fortitude test thrown at them. My heavy cavalry did manage to catch a Danish infantry battalion in line and destroyed it. However the rules do not allow for any post-melee movement so I was picked off and shaken by Danish artillery and musketry and was forced to retire shaken. In the centre John pushed his veteran infantry forward, supported by artillery and cavalry. Again, despite loosing several units the assault punched a massive hol in our centre.  Meanwhile the English did a great job fighting to the last Swede as usual! Here are some photos which give some idea of how the game developed.

The battlefield.

Spanish cavalry.

The Spanish advanced to occupy the village.

A charge by the Spanish cavalry overran the Swedish artillery.

The Swedes, minus their artillery are now deployed into square.

The French advance in the centre. Splendid looking!

Paul and Jim reorganised the line to face the French columns.

The Swedish left.

The Unenthusiastic Spanish made heavy going of their attack.

One of many furious cavalry melees on our right wing.

Danish riflemen. They were annoying!

French light cavalry emerging from the woods where they had lain unseen yet in plain view for several turns.

Spaniards again.

Nigel’s Danish dragoons charged my battery. Amazingly and against the odds the cavalry were beaten off.

Swedish cavalry catch a Danish battalion in line and break it.

The French attack in the centre was building up.

Yet more cavalry action from our right.

The French edge closer.

Swedish jäger slow down the enemy advance. 

More of the French attack; a second brigade tries to drive a wedge between the Swedes and English. They destroyed a grenadier battalion and charged a Guards battalion in the flank, destroying it.

In one last throw of the dice Paul counterattacked, supported by a few Royal Marines landed from the fleet.

So there it ended. The French had their victory, which they managed almost all on their own. Richard’s Spanish made no headway on their right and Nigel’s Danes couldn’t move until the Swedish cavalry had been disposed of, which never happened.

It was a very enjoyable game, and the rules were fine, but while we got a result it wasn’t very satisfying. Several players commented that they preferred General d’Armee which suits me fine for next time, which will be in September. We may even try the same scenario but with GdA.


  1. The battle looks stunning! I am most certainly looking forward to more battle reports.

  2. Second vote for stunning. Great photos.

  3. A stirring sight there Colin! Always enjoy seeing another Burrow Big Battle!
