Friday, 17 January 2025

More French for 1940

 I don’t seem to be able to shake my enthusiasm for painting 1940 French. Here are the latest off the painting desk.

A 75mm artillery battery, horse drawn of course, for my N African troops in the shape of the 1st Moroccan Division 

An obsolete but rather splendid little P-28 armoured car. 

Two more Char B1 bis, inspired by the last photo on this post of an actual paint scheme. It looks pretty good and to be honest wasn’t too difficult to do. I’m pleased with them both.

This is what the two tanks above were based upon.

I reckon the French are pretty much done. I’ve still got a few vignettes to finish ( oh and one battalion of N African infantry) but then they’re done (?) . A battalion of Hotchkiss tanks are finished but not adorned with their decals.

THEN, we might even see a game next weekend subject to all the usual caveats. 


  1. Lovely to see horse transport in a WW2 army. There were a lot more horses in the war than ever before get reflected on the wargaming table.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Nice additions, especially the little Armoured Car! Still no white flags though...

  3. great work Colin, good to see you with the paint brush at work.

  4. Looking splendid colin. Will they halt the panzer juggernaut?

  5. Magnificient! Superb details on the B1s...Bravo de France!

  6. Nice work,some unusual units.

  7. Lovely work, Colin.
    Dave J

  8. Painting is great, the basing even better.
