Sunday 9 June 2013

Durham Wargames Group Show 2013

Yesterday I attended the DWG show as a member for the first time in about 10 years. As usual it was small yet friendly and well run, with a good range of trade to meet almost anyone's taste and/or need to spend money.  That said, apart from a bacon buttie I didn't buy very much, just a tin of primer and some dead Cossacks from Dave Thomas' bits box, oh and a painted unit of Irish in French service. Nice paint job and only £35 for 30 figures! I also collected a bag of RSM SYW Prussians off Robbie that I think I sold to him last year! I have some flags for a Prussian Garrison regiment so these chaps are destined to start their wargaming lives as second rate troops. I would have spent more but Ian didn't have the ones I wanted from his newly-acquired Eagles Figures range with him. There were only three games on this year. IMHO a couple more would have been better for the punters but the ones that were on show were all very good. The club put on a WW2 Russian Front game to Battlegroup Kursk rules which looked very nice, as well as a representation of the French invasion of Dahomey in the late 19th century staged by Conrad Cairns. This has rekindled my interest in Darkest Africa and I spent some time today scrabbling around under my gaming table trying to find my very large collection of Belgians, zanzibaris and stuff. Andy from OGUK put on a good looking modern game set in Iraq. I took a few photoes but the light was as bad as my photography skills so they're not wonderful. I had to leave before lunchtime so don't know how any of the games turned out.

Back to the SYW campaign on Thursday evening.


  1. I think that's a very good and fair overall assessment of the show.
    I thought there should have been a couple more games as in the past but the ones on display were very good. It was nice to see a Kursk game without Tigers and Panthers for a change.
    Highlight for me was seeing many old friends (in both senses of the word).

    1. Couple more games would have been nice. Did enjoy the French invasion, with players wearing appropriate hats and with flag. I want one of those red kepis!! going to come along and visit the club hopefully this thursday. Been thinking bout joining for ages, put off by the distance but then its now that far from Stockton and the nights are light. Sounds like 7SW is all the rage there at the moment. Enjoying your blog. cheers

    2. Thanks and as someone who lives a good 40 mins away I can happily state that I am glad I rejoined as the trip is worth it

  2. We had hoped to have organised another game in one of the side rooms but the repairs (the floor had collapsed) were only finished 4 days before the show. So should have an extra one at least for next year.

    1. Great Neil. Might even put myself forward to run one next time :o)
