Thursday, 12 November 2015

Loius XIV's army

Pictured below are some more shots of my French infantry in all their glory, several units for both sides were commissioned, one (the Gardes Suisse at the back) was bought off eBay, but most are by me, as is all the basing. I still have enough figures left for three more regiments, so am planning to do a Scots unit in French service, the Royal Roussillon regiment (all in red) and a final 'French' unit, perhaps not dressed in grey. I have been able to complete a unit in a little over a week depending upon what else I have on the go; basing etc takes a little longer. 

I need to finish some commanders, a bit of artillery, dragoons and a couple of squadrons of horse and that'll be them done.......maybe.


  1. Nice job Colin they look great

  2. Nice job Colin they look great

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jonathan, I just need to get the rest done now! Hopefully not another 2 years!

  4. call me a heretic but I don't like the Warfare figures for this range. However, your units have a style and presence that transcends the awkwardness of some of the castings. very nice.

    1. Thanks Paul. I think that in these pics there's only the Gardes Francais made up of Warfare Minis, the rest being Copplestone/North Star 1672, but I do agree with you.

  5. Those look the business. I hope they perform as good as they look.
