Friday, 20 November 2015

Seven Years War - end of season results

For a bit of fun I thought I'd do a comparison of the historical vs war-game outcomes of the WAS and SYW games played over the last two years and award points to the Prussians and the combined Allied efforts (I pinched this idea off someone else by the way). Points were awarded as follows:

Historical outcome                                      1 point each
Historical winner does significantly better  2 points
Result reversed                                            3 points

I'll apply this to all future games and the points system should give the Prussians the incentive to be aggressive in order to do better than they did in the original.

Battle Combatants Gamers Original Winner Game Result Prussia Allies
Lobositz Prussia v Austria JR PR v CA RR Prussia Prussia 1 1
Reichenberg Prussia v Austria JR JMC NR v CA RR Prussia Prussia 1 1
Prague Prussia v Austria CA JR v RR JMC Prussia Prussia 1 1
Kolin Prussia v Austria JR JMC v CA RR Austria Austria 1 1
Landshut Prussia v Austria PN v CA Austria Austria 0 2
Gross Jagersdorf Prussia v Russia RR PS v JR CA Russia Russia 1 1
Moys Prussia v Austria PN v CA Austria Austria 1 1
Rossbach Prussia v Franco-Imp CA JR v RR DJ Prussia Prussia 1 1
Leuthen Prussia v Austria CA PT v RR JR Prussia Prussia 1 1
Zorndorf Prussia v Russia CA DJ v RR Draw Prussia 2 0
Hochkirch Prussia v Austria CA v JMc Austria Austria 0 2
Kunersdorf Prussia v Russia JR JMc v RR CA Russia Prussia 3 0
Mollwitz Prussia v Austria RR JR v CA PT Prussia Prussia 1 1

14 13

Key to gamers: CA (Colin Ashton - Me); RR (Robbie Roddiss); JR (John Reidy); NR (Neil Reidy); PR (Paul Robinson); PT (Paul Thompson); PS (Paul Stevenson); DJ (Dave Jarvis); JMc (John McCann); PN (Peter Nailon).

Next season the Prussians will need to do a lot better if they are to beat the Allied total


  1. Bloody hell its tight Colin. Hopefully as the quality of the Prussians decreases the Austrians may recapture Silesia and put Frederick in a cage to show the populace.

    1. Yep! They're going to have to work hard to keep ahead of the Allies' score!

  2. So when do we get Minden Warberg Willemstal etc etc etc after all Fred can only stay average for so long .....

    1. Hi Andy. Soon, so be patient, all is in hand. Original plan is to concentrate on FtG's battles plus some of the more playable other Prussian actions he wasn't present at. The 'western' theatre needs Hanoverians and British and I don't have any.........yet. I doubt Fred every thought himself as 'the Great', more like the 'phew, we got away with that one!'
