Tuesday, 1 October 2024

Games, books and revolting little men.

I’ve not done much in the way of gaming this year as much of it has been spent away from home.  I have however been able to read and post reviews of a good number of books, mostly from Helion & Co as regular readers will be aware. 

My painting has also stalled somewhat, but I have almost finished troops for a little side project, based around the Peasants’ War. Steel Fist and Artizan produce some nice 28mm miniatures for this war.

These were done while I was away with a limited palette but I’m reasonably happy with them now they’re washed and based. Hopefully once I’ve completed the basing they will look even better….. Two more of the bigger peasant mob units to base, and another unit of handgunners. Then all I need to do are a couple of commanders, a cannon and crew and some wagons and crews. Then I shall probably sell them.


  1. Great Peasants War figures Colin, they really look the part.
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. Great work, Colin. Looks good!

    Dave J.

  3. Speaking for the peasants ` the danger of researching family history ~ I feel I can say they are very nice peasants.

  4. Nicely done, I like the mass of men on the random shaped base look too.

  5. Nice work on those. I happen to do that war using the WoFun Peasants War figures. I've got large armies but sadly the battles were quite lopsided. Looking forward to see how you do when get enough and both sides to do a game.

  6. Excellent looking peasants, I quite fancy doing these chaps at some point, nice rainbow banner!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks. I shall probably sell them once I've finished the remaining bits.
