Wednesday, 9 October 2024

Renato et Gloriam Army Lists for the Great Northern War and War of Spanish Succession


Players of Renato et Gloriam will be pleased to note the publication of this book of suggested army lists for the Great Northern War and the War of the Spanish Succession. Written by Simon Hall, Simon Clarke and Alasdair Harley and published by Helion this is a welcome addition to their Helion Wargames series.

There are 25 lists for the Great Northern War and 34 for the War of the Spanish Succession. These are not just generic lists, but do each focus on specific campaigns or battles, so for example, the Russian army of Peter the Great gets seven different lists, covering amongst others, Narva, Lesnaya, and the Pruth River. As well as the more usual armies, we are also given lists for rather more exotic armies such as the Khanate of Khiva, Cossacks, the Danubian Principalities.

The lists for the War of the Spanish Succession cover all of the major and minor players, again focusing to an extent on actual campaign and battles. In fact I would struggle to think of any nationality that has been omitted. Again, we get several different versions of the French armies of Louis XIV, the Holy Roman Empire and Great Britain.

The lists themselves are presented very clearly, each over one or two pages, and come with useful contextual historical notes as well as guidance on how to navigate each list. Each of the lists appears to be well researched and based on the armies I am familiar with are a true reflection of their composition. There is also quite a detailed section on generating terrain, which form part of the Pre Battle System (PBS) used in the rules and which represent the five days leading up to a battle and to determine the terrain over which the battle takes place.

Clearly a great deal of thought has gone into producing this book and it shows in the overall presentation. If you play ReG then these will be a very satisfying addition to your arsenal.

ISBN 978-1-804515-56-3 135 pages, soft covers, large format.

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