Monday, 12 April 2010

figures arrive, well some anyway

spoke to Renegade last week. They are swamped which is understandable given their current brilliant offer, hence the delay in me getting my stuff. I don't mind though as Mr Postman delivered some Artizan figures to use as VBCW militia or LDV and two Warbases terraced houses. All very nice. I also picked up a dozen figures off ebay. Allegedly 28mm they are much smaller 25mm max so not v happy. Anyeway, decided i have a use for them as a School Cadet Force. In my case thy could be from Durham, Barnard Castle or Wolsingham Grammar schools all of which had cadet foreces in the '30's. Add a 28mm officer and NCO and away we go. but what side? Durham would have to be the Anglican League whilst Barney most likely to be be Royalist. Wolsingham? I am going to have them as Royalists. Will post pics when done.

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