Saturday, 1 January 2011

The end of the old and the start of the new

Well, 2010 is gone and hello to 2011. I was thinking this morning what I had achieved in the last year and it is quite impressive.

Started the year with 28mm Russian Civil War/Back of Beyond and now have getting on for 400 figures for the whites and reds, including nearly 100 cavalry, with assorted aircraft, artillery and armour, plus an enormous armoured train. Still need to finish my Freikorps though ;o(
The run up to Easter saw VBCW hook me, so I've managed to collect (and paint) troops for the BUF, the 'Government', Anglican League and the Socialists. Again probably around 400 figures plus more lots of vehicles, trucks, artillery, aircraft and TWO armoured trains.
October saw me go back to my favorite period, i.e. the 18th century, with the purchase of 28mm AWI. I've already listed whats been completed to date and I think this project will keep me busy painting for several months yet. I also managed to squeeze in some additions to my SYW armies with 24 Russian Cuirassiers and two 36-man infantry btns. Added to all the above has been the addition of a fair bit of scenery, including a Russian village, a variety of 20th century buildings and terrain pieces for the RCW and VBCW (including a factory complex), plus half a dozen AWI buildings. I dread to think how much all this lot has cost me but I won't even begin to justify it - much of it was recycled cash from ebay sales. Shame I sold my old 18th century Piedmontese army though but it hadn't seen the light of day for years! Won't ever sell painted stuff ever again though! The down side is that although I have some really lovely armies that have been great fun to collect and paint, I've only played about half a dozen games all year (excluding solo) due to work, illness and other stuff. Never mind, I'll be moving my games room across the top landing into a bigger room this week and look forward to being able to set my new 10' x 6' table up soon after that.

Happy gaming for 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Half a dozen games? I dream of being able to play half a dozen games in a year! We used to have to get up half and hour before we went to bed and lick the table clean first just to get a single game!:)
    Sounds like you had a good year. It is frustrating to get all the painting done and then never play with the stuff! I may try and get a table set up and at least try some solo stuff this year - if I can keep the kids and cat out of the way!
    happy New Year and all the best for 2011!
