Thursday, 6 January 2011


Well I managed to finish more troops for my AWI armies last night, this time some Hessian Jager. I did try painting stripes on their trousers but gave up as my hand is not steady enough! Yesterday was also my first day of abstaining from alcohol since the Christmas and New Year binge-fest of the last two weeks! I'm just waiting for an order frmo Maelstrom for some 'highland tuft' to finish off the bases. Also completed are a unit of six Armand's Legion cavalry. No picture yet as the one I took this morning is totally rubbish so will add a photo later today. I'm very happy with the progress I'm making painting these troops, and they don't look too bad. However, I am also very lucky that I have an over-the-bed-type table which I've set up in the lounge, so I can paint, watch tv and be sociable all at the same time! It's one of the few good things that come out of breaking my leg big time nearly 4 years ago and being confined to downstairs for eight weeks in an ankle to thigh cast, as my partner and also my mates brought my painting stuff down from my games room and here, more or less, it has stayed ever since (except when anyone comes to view the house).

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