Saturday, 8 January 2011


Well, I've been on a mission today, and spent all morning and much of the afternoon moving my games room. The first hour was spent dismantling my old cobbled-together wargames table and making space for the bits in the garage. I then moved or cleared the junk in the spare bedroom (now in car ready for run to tip in the morning) and took the bed to pieces and rebuilt it in my old games room. Easy except that double mattreses have a mind of their own, or this one did! After further exchanges of household clutter and wargames stuff across the top landing I finally (for today anyway) erected my new 10' x 6' table. I already have a 6'x6' terrain mat so I'd bought another 6' x 4' one and thankfully the old and the new are a near match. I still have to move or rearrange some heavier items, i.e. bookcases, a desk and a chest of drawers, and I came across a load of Sylvanian families and Breyer horses and stables stuff that my daughter has grown out of that will need to go in the loft/garage until I can dispose of them 'thoughtfully', but to be honest I am knackered! Maybe tonight after Primeval on TV.......?

1 comment:

  1. 10 x 6 is just showing off... :o))

    PS. I recommend eBay for Sylvanian stuff - I sold my daughters stuff very profitably...
