Wednesday, 23 October 2013

More Crimean War British

Well, I might not have been able to do any painting over the last two weeks but I have managed to do some basing and tufting! Shown here is the so called Light Division (less one battalion, the 23rd Foot), with supporting artillery. The figures are a mixture of Foundry, Great War Miniatures and Warlord Games, and they all appear to fit in well together. This brings my British infantry to completion, as I now have these six battalions, plus three each of Highlanders and Guards for the 1st Division, with supporting field and horse artillery. The cavalry, in the shape of the Light Brigade, are almost done; just got one last unit of light dragoons to do. I also need to finish my commanders and casualty markers then the army is complete.

I had made good progress with the Russians but I am stalled at present post operation. Nevertheless, there are 16 battalions painted and waiting patiently to be based up, plus lots of artillery and cavalry in various stages of completion. I will put some photos up once they're done.


  1. You're making a lot more progress than I thought you would be able to post-op.
    Just another 10,000 Russians and you should be ready !

    1. Basing and tufting doesn't take much effort. All the painting was done pre operation. Not quite 10000 Russians but 16 x 24 man battalions, all painted but just need a coat of army painter and then basing up! Will be a while before I can get the artillery and cavalry done though.

  2. These look great. It's nice to see manufacturers mixed in the same unit. Are they Foundry and Warlord? I'm currently painting my own Crimean armies. I have 2 British inf complete save flock and flags and I'm close to finishing the guards brigade. As for Russians I have 5 inf units done and loads more to do. In fact I have loads more to do for all sides infantry, artilery and cavalry. Little by little I chip away at them.

  3. Good to see you back at the club Colin, take it easy and get yourself recovered asap I think the Swiss got beat at the end of night, but both sides might have collapsed, lots of dice were involved in any case

  4. Thanks John. It was nice to have an airing. Mind you I probably overdid it as i was knackered by the time I got home so I expect it'll be a few more weeks before I am back again.
