Friday, 1 November 2013

Great Northern War kickstarter from Ebor miniatures

I am seriously tempted by this new project. In fact, I have made a modest contribution already. It's doing really well with plenty of time to go. I have had an interest in the GNW for many many years and used to have quite a large collection in 6mm, but I sold it several years ago when I decided to revert back to 28mm for many what are probably totally illogical reasons, like, I can't see them to paint them, or why double up on terrain for 6 and 28 mm figures.....and so forth. Hope this link works....

Looks like my 2014 project is sorted already as well.


  1. The problem is that I have bought a lot of Musketeer miniatures figures and these, very nice though they are, look to be rather smaller. If they had started with Danes I might have bought in but doing Swedes again has put me off. If I was starting from scratch I would have gone for these, though.

  2. Like you I have been interested in this period for a while. I will send you a transferbigfiles link as I have some bit and pieces that you may find interesting.
