Saturday, 18 June 2016

Waiting for my undies in Madrid

We arrived in Madrid at about 20:00 last night on our mission to rescue daughter from the horrors of working as a teaching assistant in deepest Estramdura for the last 10 months! Our original flight had been cancelled but that was no problem as it gave us a more relaxing time in Heathrow. I had asked for disabled assistance as I can't walk very far and I have to say the arrangements in place were excellent. We were taken on a buggy through Heathrows subterranean tunnels, half expecting to see Bruce Willis in a dirty vest evading Jeremy Irons terrorist. At Madrid airport I was taken in a wheelchair on the very very long trek from the plane to the carousel by a very helpful little man who ended up staying with us until we had our car sorted at around 23:30. Now, one of the good things about having mobility problems is that I/we get to jump all the queues for security etc. As long as you can remain undeterred by the black looks from other weary travelers as you wiz past them to the head of the queue!

Sadly while we were in Madrid, our luggage and my 'Walker' appeared not to be. Our helper dutifully pushed me to customer service and back and then somewhere else while we registered our 'lost' luggage, and then to Avis and finally the car park.

The hotel was only 10 minutes from the airport and once there we could relax after a fashion. A club sandwich, a beer and a couple of Jameson's later we were told my walker had been found airport. Hooray! This morning we got the news that the luggage was on its way.

Our daughter has been travelling and is joining us from Segovia this afternoon to blag a lift down to Almendralejo where she's been living, which isn't far from Badajoz. Assuming I have some clothes I am looking forward to going there this week.

And now, while I might be in need of a change of clothes I have my health (most of it) and my wife and life is good. I'm researching and costing out a possible new project for 2016 while I wait. What more could one ask for?


  1. Hi Colin, I trust the rest of your journey goes better ! cheers

  2. Lets hope part 2 goes a little better! Enjoy the rest of your break!

  3. Hope everything goes well with your family catchup Colin and look forward to hearing more about your new project.

  4. "What more could one ask for?".. another beer? :o))

  5. I hope you and your undies enjoy your visit! Brings back memories of Qantas loosing all of our luggage in Sydney!

  6. Reunited with daughter but alas undies still in transit

  7. Stu, I do too. But not my favourite pair ;-)

    We got everything back on Sunday morning at our final destination near Badajoz.
