Wednesday 3 May 2017

The Helder campaign 1799, first British brigade finished

I have now completed the complete 4th Brigade of the British expeditionary force to the Netherlands in 1799. This was commanded by Major General (not yet Sir) John Moore and with the exception of the Guards comprised regiments that were at least deemed up to the demands of a foreign expedition and were also fully trained and up to complement with officers and men. Their strength had not been diluted by the drafting in of so many Militia and Fencibles to compromise their fighting abilities.

 The brigade: 2/1st Foot, 25th Foot, 49th Foot, 79th Foot and 92nd Foot, supported by two sections on the Royal Artillery.
 Major General John Moore (Trent Miniatures)
 49th, 1st and 25th Foot
 79th and 92nd Foot
Quite a handy little force. I have more to add of course.


  1. Nice additions to your 'small collection'!

    1. It is small compared to my SYW collection!

  2. Colin, great viewing your French Revolutionary armies as they develop. I have mentioned it on my own blog for others that share an interest in this, all too often overshadowed, period of history. I also like that you have incorporated different makes in raising your armies, which makes it more interesting for its diversity. My own are a mixture of Dixon, WF, and my own castings.

  3. I'm not sure if the dress of the highlanders is a little too late, but Highland Fencibles in Ireland 1798 were dressed like this so.....

    For info the Scots are Front Rank and the others are Reiver with a few Trent thrown into the mix. Moore is Trent.

    1. Colin, I haven't got any Highlanders in my army but I probably would still use the old Hinchcliffe AWI Highlanders. Yes, they have a falling collar but the standing version may not always have been in use during 1793-5, some regiments 'may' have still used the rise-and-fall version, which would look something between the two already mentioned. Having said that, if you collect 28mm, we all take occasional liberties in staging a war-game, particularly if you war-game several periods. I know I do!

    2. Thanks Michael. I think the bonnets etc are right for 1799 although they most likely wouldn't be for 1793-94

  4. Very nice Colin just about ready for some raids on the French coast.

    1. I've already thought 💭 of that, hence the frigate. Just need some emigre units and a few boats ......mmmm?

  5. Really nice! Will some dunes, marsh and canal terrain pieces follow? : )

    1. Canals and marsh I have but dunes and polders will need to be made.

  6. Nice work! Are you by any chance planning on adding some of the lesser quality British units to this collection to make the army more in line with their rather dismal historical performance in this campaign?

  7. Thanks. I do indeed. I have already started work on another brigade of English of markedly lesser quality

  8. They look superb Colin, what a nice job!
