Monday, 1 May 2017

An impulse purchase. I bought a ship!

And why not? I saw this on eBay and just had to have it to support my combined operations landings, in particular when I refight the British landing at the Battle of Calantsoog at the start of the Helder campaign in 1799. Impractical? Yes. No idea where I shall store it and sure to get damaged, but it was a bargain. I just need to sort out some flags and 28mm crew figures.


  1. Cracking buy and a great looking ship.

  2. Stunning model Colin, colour me jealous

  3. Wow, you were lucky to score such a find. Congratulations.

  4. I imagine the good lady had something else in mind when you told her "I've bought a boat for my retirement".

    1. Actually I asked if she fancied a cruise.....;-)

  5. Excellent acquisition! For a crew try Abbot Miniatures, from Redoubt I think.

  6. Holy moley - what a fantastic model! You struck gold, what a game she will make.

    And what a good angle :

    You : Honey, i've bought a sailing ship...

    Her: Thats nice, wait.... what???

    You: A ship model. Its a bit big but look at her lines - wow! You can see Aubrey and Maturin playing Boccherini! And its only 295!

    Her: (fanning herself and steadying herself against the wall, thinking quickly - *Its only another model -phew!*) What a find - hooray!

    I'm very jealous!

    1. Yep, it went something like that.....honest!

  7. I have no idea about what scale works for this model but Capitan Miniaturas makes outstanding Nap. era naval figures in 18mm. And guns.

  8. She is a dream Colin! Sail her to the ends of the earth!

  9. A not quite so little treat for yourself Colin....certainly a talking point for any game !
