Saturday, 8 July 2017

A bit of a clear out ....both in my head and in the cupboard of doom

I've decided that I am not going to start on any new periods (although expanding and diversifying is allowed, e.g. Persians to fight the SYW and FRW Russians) so shall be putting a vast amount of lead onto eBay over the coming weeks. I've also decided that with the exception of surplus units I won't sell any of my painted collections as even if I only game with some of them infrequently compared to others I still had the pleasure of putting them together and you can guarantee that as soon as I sold something I'd want them back for a new idea!

This week it'll be a large number of unpainted Ebor Miniatures Great Northern War Swede's. Off the top of my head there are 12 infantry battalions of around 20-24 figures, 12 cavalry or Dragoon squadrons of 6 figures each ( the command packs give you the choice of a drummer or trumpeter), 2 packs of commanders, a couple of storming parties and 2 or 3 cannon with crew. And a Charles XII figure. There may be some other bits as well.

If anyone fancies starting a GNW army then do let me know as you will be getting a bargain. You can use the email contact me facility on the right of the page.

Also, I am finding it increasingly difficult and sometime nigh on impossible to paint as much as I used to due to my arthritis. I can't sit for long and I'm finding even holding a brush difficult after more than twenty minutes. So, figure painters out there be aware that I shall be farming out what little of my lead mountain will remain to be painted for me, including those bloody Sikh Wars Gorchara cavalry and the Bengal/Bombay Light Cavalry!


  1. Age shall not weary them... A decision I can both fully understand and endorse. Good luck with the sales Colin.

    1. Thanks David. Fingers crossed.

    2. ....and I need some cash to pay for the rest of my Batavians painted.

  2. Always a difficult decision to say no or goodbye to an army or idea you planned on carrying out. I use painting services increasingly and although sometimes costly and less than fully satisfying, it gets those armies into the field and the joy of gaming begins again.

    1. I know. The cost of buying the opposition for the GNW Swedes would be significant and then I'd have even more figures to paint or get painted for me which would be too expensive. My mantra now is to get 'em on the table or on eBay.
