Saturday, 15 July 2017

Some more Bob Marrion originals

I was extremely fortunate to have the opportunity a couple of weeks ago to purchase a few more original paintings by the late Bob Marrion. These ones cover subjects from the War of Spanish Succession and with three exceptionsfirst appeared in the two Charles S Grant books (since reprinted and available in a single volume) on the Armies of the War of the Spanish Succession. I have to thank Charles for brokering the sale of these and the other pieces of work by Bob that I've managed to acquire. Some of the paintings are getting on for 20 years old but they all look fresh and absolutely stunning!

A special note about this French Dragoon. It was on the back of another painting but Bob didn't think it was up to standard so he scribbled over it and used the other side of the canvas for another painting.

The two English regiments shown are from Colonel Wynn's regiment, which is quite a coincidence as her Grandfather's name was also Wynne, but with an 'e'. It's highly unlikely that there's any link as we know that one ancestor was a senior surgeon in the Peninsular War attached to the Portugese army, and that in the previous century the family had some significant trading interests (mainly wine) in Lisbon, and indeed settled there until the late 19th century.

Now they just need framing!!!!


  1. Terrific uniform plates! You are fortunate to capture these gems.

  2. Fantastic images
    You must be delighted to acquire these

  3. Count me in for AMG1& please Colin

  4. A nice acquisition for your Collection Colin.

    1. I expect they should hold their value more than my mountains of tin!

  5. Fantastic stuff. I have the books and I love his artwork.

  6. Lovely artwork, nicely realised.
    Best Iain
