Sunday, 22 January 2017

French Revolutionary War Austrians

 This is my first Austrian infantry battalion for my FRW project. I've not decided which regiment it will represent yet. The figures are from Elite Miniatures and the 'slap and dip' speed painting method works well on them I think.

 I am in the middle of finishing off a battery of Austrian artillery (done the crews but not the cannon) and then I shall be starting work on another Austrian infantry battalion, and some more Russians.

Also just completed is a Warbases "engineers' wagon". Its dead easy to put together and looks the part.


  1. Wonderful looking Austrians, smart and beautiful...

  2. Nice work! Elite figures show have character.

  3. excellent work Colin, you put us all to shame in our tardiness to get units completed.

  4. Excellent figures. They look excellent. And the wagon is great.

  5. The Warbases engineers wagon looks useful, I may get one of those later in the year. Not really a fan of the Elite style myself, but you've made a good job on them I think Colin. Do you have any Trent Austrians yet?

  6. David, yes I have some Trent Austrians but am still waiting for some more command figures off DM before I can make a start on them. Must admit I do like the Eliate FRW Collectors range but never been keen on the SYW ranges.

  7. I like the warbases equipment range a lot. Very useful.

    The Austrians are a smart regiment and I have always liked the chapeau hat.

  8. Very nice, Colin. I think your method of painting works.

