Saturday, 22 April 2017

Salute today

We've made the trip down to London again so Katherine can go and meet up with old friends. By coincidence it's Salute today so isn't that good 😊 . We got the train down yesterday and are staying at a hotel actually attached to the Excel centre so as I lie in bed with my morning coffee a mere 5 minutes trundle from the event I am staring out of the window across the Thames thinking πŸ’­ about what I shall do today.

I don't have a shopping list as such, but I do have a rather large package to collect from Eureka stuffed with lots of FRW figures for me and my friend David. I also have a scratch built classic style Vauban gatehouse to go with my Magister Militia fortress to pick up courtesy of the skills of another friend Stuart which is in the tender care of Dave Jarvis who is helping on the Eagle miniatures stand today.

I do have a list of traders I'd like to speak to! Such as Trent, Reiver, Gringo 40s, Flag Dude, Studio Miniatures and Cran Tara to name but a few. Most of all I'm looking forward to bumping into (or running over) lots of friends and acquaintances that many of the sort that one only tends to meet at wargames events yet when you do it's almost as if you were only chatting yesterday. I have no need to rush around this year as I'm not 'on the clock'. Katherine won't be back till early evening and we don't go home until the morning.

Then, on Monday, at the ungodly hour of 07:30 I am back into James Cook Hospital for the second stage of my electronic spinal implant procedure when I shall have the internal battery pack inserted into my abdomen and wired up to the stimulators fused into my spine. Nice.

Breakfast is calling so I shall check in this evening with a report on the day's activities.


  1. Having Monday on the horizon makes today all the more important to make special - hope you have a great day.

    1. Thanks Norm. I have a very good day indeed.

  2. Have a wonderful day Colin! Hope our parcel is not too large and heavy! As Norm says, with Monday on the cards you need to make today and your weekend extra enjoyable!

    1. Thanks David. Our parcel is rather heavy! Size and weight of a large house brick! Had an excellent day too.

    2. Hope it's not been compressed to death! Rather expected to hear it was tea chest sized!

  3. Wow, the best and the worst - the high and the low, all in the space of a few days. Best wishes for a successful surgery. I will be thinking about you and sending good vibes your way. Meanwhile, have a great time at Salute and buy lots of presents for yourself.


    1. Than you Jim. I can feel the vibes already, or is that my sciatica? ;-) Many 🎁 bought too.

  4. Great to meet you and all the other AMG members today. I was proud of myself coming down from Inverness, but nothing compared to the Aussies.
    Hope to meet up again at AMG17 in June if I can negotiate a late entry from Stuart

  5. Sorry Colin forgot to add my name,
    Graham Hilditch alias Graham 117

    1. Good to speak and I know there will be space at AMG17 as a couple of people have had to drop out recently
