Monday, 24 April 2017

Home from battle and hurrah for the NHS!

I now have another hole in by back (this is the third) and a new one in my abdomen but the operation has been completed and I have been discharged into the tender hands of my wife and mother in law. I would be lying if I said I wasn't rather (very) sore but I have to say that my experience today with the doctors and nurses at James Cook hospital has been excellent and I was very well looked after and made to feel I was the only person that mattered. The NHS may be underfunded and short staffed but it wasn't apparent to me today and they're certainly not short of TLC, which was in abundance. I go back in two weeks time to have the battery pack activated and then we shall be fully operational and ready for action.

In the meantime, we're staying at the Mother in Law's for a couple of days as being a passenger in a car isn't very comfortable as the seat belt goes right over the site of the front wound.  So although I am itching to get home and do some painting I shall have to be satisfied with just sorting out my swag from Salute and in some cases maybe even trying to remember exactly what impulse led me to buy a couple of particular items.

I also have some more pictures of newly finished or acquired figures to share which I shall do in the next day or so.


  1. All the best and a swift and speedy recovery Colin!

    1. Thanks Stuart and see you in a few weeks time.

    2. Good news Colin
      Look forward to your posts

  2. All the best and great to hear that the your healing up.

  3. Here's to a speedy recovery for you!

  4. Onwards and upwards then. I hope you've got some heavy painkillers to help you sleep, which is the biggest aid to recovery in most cases.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks Stokes. Been given some oramorph to take which is wonderful stuff :-)

  5. Glad it went as well as could be hoped. You'll soon be home and painting your Eureka spoils from Salute.

    1. It went really well thanks David and I'm glad they let me out today rather than in the morning. I have already sorted your stuff out of the Eureka pile and am trying to remember (a) why I bought certain figures and (b) as I can't quite remember all of them, what I can use them for. I think I had it in my head to do a couple of Austrian freikorps units but without all my books or my notebook with the original rationale for the purchases I'm a bit lost till we get back home.

    2. You will find a use for them I'm confident!

  6. Take care Colin. Need you fit and raring to go in June.

  7. Take time to recuperate fully it'll be soon enough when ypu're back to painting.

  8. All the best for a speedy recovery and good to hear the views of a real person on the quality of the NHS staff. They have always done their darnedest for me when I've needed them.

    1. Thanks Matt. I sometimes used to wonder if I was my imaginary friend's imaginary friend ;-)

  9. Glad to hear it all went well, and that the NHS is just as well able to deliver the same kind of TLC I got 5 years ago when it matters. Best wishes for your recovery.

  10. Here's hoping for an expeditious and most excellent recovery.

    von Peter himself
