Friday, 23 February 2018

Ticking over........

Well I am now definitely in 'moving mode' as all but a few of my figures and assorted paraphernalia have been safely boxed up and even labelled. I just need to clear the wargames table and then go through my buildings and terrain and chuck out/donate/sell anything I don't think I shall ever use again.

To be fair, 75% of the actual painted armies were already boxed up under the table; the main bit of work has been and remains to some extent in the 'office/studio/Dickensian garret' I share with my wife where the visible part of the infamous and ever restless creeping mountain of lead is located, along with about a zillion pots of paint, brushes, sharp and pointy tools, shade, dip, paint, glue, basing materials, more paint, uniform books and half a tree's worth of mdf bases, etc. etc. Oh the Horror!

I've been trying to preserve some off cuts of polystyrene foam insulation board from the clutches of Katherine, who is being very focussed when it comes to de-cluttering. A little handy sawing and knife work would transform these (treasured off cuts!) nicely into the glacis and covered way/ditch for my Vauban fortress. That, as they say, is the plan anyway.  Thankfully, the removals men will be doing all the packing (NOT my soldiers, they are packed, but everything else), carrying and unloading at the other end. I will watch with interest as they work out how to safely pack and transport my two rather large 28mm frigates.


  1. " Ere dad, d'you know the piano's on my foot.....You hum it son and and I'll play along"
    I think you've got the chuck out/ donate/sell thing the wrong way round mate!

    1. oh well you won't be wanting my spare Russian SYW stuff then? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

  2. Bernard Cribbins if memory serves? Hope the move goes effortlessly for you both, and for the toys of course.

  3. Good luck to you both with the move. Our removal men packed my large ship models in open boxes so nothing got put on top to crush them, It worked very well.

  4. Good luck I would take the frigates yourself !

  5. You should take some Before and After pictures of your new game room.

    Good luck with the move. Moving is a good time to take a critical look at all of your game related items to chuck out or keep. If you haven't used it in the past year, or two, then chuck it out or sell it.


    1. thanks Jim. I have some before photos on here already but will post some more this week.

      I've gone through my stuff and have binned one broken windmill. I am keeping everything else, for better or for worse. I just cannot bring myself to sell anything else......

  6. Good idea to get someone else to do the heavy lifting. My worry would be the sheer weight of books that need transferring from my library should my wife feel like moving.
