Thursday, 1 February 2018

All dressed up and nowhere to go...

Sickness ravages the Man Cave but I decided to take a few photos of the set up for game that was due to be played this week, but wasn't.

The table has been 'slipped' a bit to the west as the Republican attack is coming from the east.

This should be in interesting game as the newly raised Republicans are facing the Chouan forces but the veteran Republicans are going to trade obscenities with the Emigres. Not sure what the token English force will do. But we shall find out soon.


  1. A very pretty table. I like the skyline with the buildings silhouetted against the background. One of the buildings resembles a bottle of Gordon's. It is a good objective marker...

  2. A great looking table which has only whetted my appetite more!

  3. well it certainly looks to be a promising game.

  4. Fine looking table, as expected of course. Hope the plague will soon pass over!
