Sunday, 24 June 2018

Wild Geese Wargamers weekend 2018

This year's event has come to a close after another excellent weekend of wargaming in a very sunny Kenilworth. Twenty three dedicated wargamers from different corners of the kingdom, plus Jim from over the Pond, came together for our third annual gaming weekend. And what an excellent time was had by all. Four great games, old friends reunited, new friends made, lots of excellent banter and many a pint of beer to lubricate the vocal chords made for an excellent two days.

Back row l-r: Stuart Insch, Ken Marshall, Chris Gregg, Graham Cummings, Martin Gane, Steve Pearse, Lee Brewster, Garry Phillips, Graham Hitditch, Paul Robinson, Gavin Winspear, Tim Whitworth, Aly Morrison, Steve Metheringham, Me,
kneeling l-r: Tony Dillon, Guy Barlow, Willz Harley, Alan Perry, Des Darkin, Jim Purkey, Michael Perry, Douglas Thomson.

Thanks to Paul Robinson, Willz Harley, Gary Phillips (and me) for hosting the games (Great Northern War, 18thC, Zulu War and Versailles the Wargame) and to everyone for taking part.

Here are some pictures of the games.

I hope everyone had/has a safe journey home and I look forward to seeing everyone again next year. Thanks also to those of the group who donated items for the prize draw categories. 


  1. Thanks for a great weekend Colin, and volunteering for next year. Still on my way back. Quite often it is only after the event that you have time to reflect and appreciate what a great event we had. Four top games and superb company, couldn't ask for more

  2. Echoing what Graham said, thank you Colin for organizing a great weekend with good looking games and rubbing shoulders with a great group of friendly sociable people. The weekend is well worth the long trip across the pond.


    1. Thanks, Jim. It was good to see you again and safe journey home. See you next year I hope.

  3. Great to hear you all had a lovely weekend of gaming and all the games looked great:)

  4. Colin this looks like such great fun!

  5. Now that definately looks like a good weekend...quite jealous😀

  6. What a wonderful place to have a hangover.

  7. Colin, thanks for organising it all. The weekend was a triumph and good fun. Spent most of the drive home planning next years game.

  8. Looks like it was a humdinger of a weekend’s gaming! I shall try to take up your invite next year.

  9. Thank you Colin and to everyone for a great time again. More from me on my blog eventually but for now I should point out that you have been too modest to say that you won the prize for "Best Looking Game" for your Versailles. Well deserved. Chris

  10. Looks like a great way to spend the weekend and makes me very nostalgic for our own groups' week long wargaming retreat last Oct/Nov - looking forward to another 5 days of big games sometime in the next 6 months!

  11. What a fine looking body of men...

    A great weekend...looking forward to the next.

    All the best. Aly

  12. Congrats on another successful meeting, it looks to have been great fun once again. Bravo! Jim
