Wednesday 2 October 2019

Monthly production report, September 2019

Quite a busy month but most effort spent on basing up figures that Barry painted for me.

Based up and finished but not painted by me:
2 regts FRW French cavalry 24 figs
7 btns FRW infantry  168 figs

Everything done by me:
Dooli bearers and load
Bengal Horse artillery troop - 11 figs and 2 cannon

Games played/hosted:
3 at home plus 1 at the Durham Wargames Club

Shows attended:

Priorities for October all to be done in house:

Finish troops and vignettes for Battleground game in November (approx 100 figures)
Ditto terrain, tents, baggage etc
Sort out terrain for Jena game on 12 October
Finish 18thC French infantry in time for Rossbach game in November (approx 200 figures)


  1. You know, that really depresses me.i painted 41 figures in September ☹️

    1. But I only painted 14 figures from start to finish myself. The rest was just a sunny weather basing blitz, so you beat me hands down this month!
