Wednesday, 11 January 2023

20mm European Building

I finally finished this piece this afternoon. It’s a 3D print of one of the gates of Leipzig rather averagely painted and based by me.

I’m still preferring 20mm or 1/72 scales buildings for 28mm games as they have a small footprint. If you recall I have lots of scruffied up HO railway models and they work fine imho. The hussars in the photo are 28mm and I don’t think they look out of place and they certainly won’t with thousands of miniatures on the table! 

I’ve a few more 20mm buildings to finish, mainly for the Fall of France but some more from the excellent Leipzig range.


  1. I am with you on building size and footprint. I have just processed three Warbases MDF 20mm rural buildings for my 28mm SYW games and they look fine. Your building looks wonderful!

  2. I have joined the "one scale down" brigade when it comes to wargames buildings - works very well I think. The building looks great.

  3. Very nicely done and I too go a scale down on my buildings compared to figures.

  4. Nicely done, I agree with you on the matter of scale.

  5. Oh Colin, I printed that in 10mm size and I thought mine was large :)
    It and the other buildings are great.

  6. Great to see Colin. I've asked for this or one very similar, in 12mm, for my birthday to use with my 15/18mm Napoleonics. I believe it's modelled after a gate at Leipzig. I got a batch for Christmas and made them up and painted and I love them. I'll do a blog post on this subject shortly. Yes I've used 20mm buildings to go with my 28mm figures for years and they look fine.

  7. Perfectly suitable for 28 mm. I really like how you have it based too.

  8. Just right in scale for wargaming purposes. Did you print this yourself or did it come ready made?

  9. Lovely building. I saw a railway-model looking very much like Italian or Southern France architecture in a shop but it was not for sell unfortunately.
