Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Production targets are being met. FRW Emigres

The basing department has been busy today and three new Emigre regiments have been based up and sent on their separate one-way trips to either Germany, Quiberon or the West Indies. With one exception these are ‘Small’ units in Black Powder. The Salm-Kirchberg Light Infantry are just big enough to be a ‘Standard unit’. The figures are all from Trent Miniatures. I need to make flags for two of the units still.

Perigord Infantry
Rohan Light Infantry
Salm-Kirburg Light Infantry
I've been working on some more Prussian Schutzen bases today and will start basing up two small regiments of Emigre hussars this evening if I get a chance.


  1. So colourful they hardly need the pretty flowers on their bases :-)

    1. thanks Chris. I might have overdone it with the gardening

  2. garden fresh but full of fight?
    We hope so!

  3. garden fresh but full of fight?
    We hope so!
