Monday, 29 October 2018

A short break. Off to Crisis

This evening we sail for Holland for a short break in a lovely little hotel and spa (a converted coastal defence fortress, part of the ring of defences surrounding Amsterdam)  just south of Den Helder for a couple of days. Apart from taking another look at the battlefields of the 1799 Helder Campaign there's a really good museum in Den Helder that I'd like to visit. I believe that it has a large diaorama of the landings on the beach at Calantsoog. Then after a couple days of being pampered it's all points south for Antwerp where coincidentally one of the best Wargames events anywhere is taking place, i.e. Crisis. I shall course report back in due course.


  1. I'll be there as well, running a 25mm Nap game based on the battle of Landshut.

  2. Very nice enjoy....will have to put this on the calendar for next year🤔

  3. Looking forward to your report out of the event.

  4. Have a great break, take lots of pics.

  5. Have fun! Don’t forget to buy a few toys!
