Thursday, 4 October 2018

French 5th Hussars, 1799

 The 5th Regiment of Hussars were part of General Andre Massena's army at the 2nd Battle of Zurich in September 1799. This one of my favourite hussar uniforms and I doubt I've done it justice now I've seen the photos. The figures are Perry plastics and they were actually quite easy to assemble but I found painting them difficult. I don't know why but I couldn't get used to them being so light compared to the 'heft' of metal castings.  Anyway, they are done and will have to do, so now I need to do another six of these (including a trumpeter in the correct uniform) and then tackle a dozen more for the 7th Hussars.


  1. Good work, but wasted on plastic tatt! I agree abut the heft of the figure being an important part of the process of painting and gaming!

    1. Oh tell me about it David. I need at least 24 and ideally 36 French hussars for a game I'm putting on at the Battleground show in Stockton at the end of November. Too expensive in metal sadly.

  2. Nice looking unit Colin. I love the quality of the Perry plastics, and the ability to vary the figures to suit the regiment/campaign/period is incredible. I did a lot of these (ok a lot for me, not for others) but I too prefer the heft of metals.

  3. Excellent work. I am with you regarding metals vs plastics. For me, it is metal all the way!

  4. A lovely looking unit Colin...
    And also one of my favourite hussar uniforms.
    I personally don’t mind plastics... what I mind is sticking the buggers together.

    All the best. Aly
