Tuesday 5 November 2019

Monthly progress, October 2019

A very lean month for me in terms of figure production. Lots on the go but not much ready for action.

Rebased 40 painted Sikh Irregulars kindly given to me last month.
Based, ‘distressed’ and/or painted seven 1/72 scale buildings for the Jena game.
Hosted three big games here at the Burrow
Attended one show (FIASCO).

On the go at present, and with a deadline of the end of the month are two battalions of Bengal Native Infantry ( only the one really  needed for the game) some more Sikh irregular infantry, a troop of Bengal Horse Artillery, two BHA limbers and guns, plus a couple of generals and other ephemera for the game at Battleground. The terrain for the game needs some finishing touches but nothing major I hope. Mainly tents for the encampment. Then the general admin prep for the Battleground game, another game to prepare for here at the Burrow in the diary for 16 November and then it’ll be December!

That’s all for now.


  1. Just organising three big games sounds like enough activity on its own. I don't know how you find the time and be on social media too!

  2. You still leave me back on the starting blocks!
