Monday 22 May 2023

Partizan 2023 - an Excellent Day Out

I had a very enjoyable if rather knackering day visiting the Partizan show yesterday in the company of Nigel, our intrepid pilot, John the Red and my mate Mark who’d dropped in from Adelaide (I believe his holiday in the UK was fitted in around attending the show). 

As usual the standard of the demo games was largely impressive, if not outstanding. The Trade was excellent too, and the whole event was well organised. It was also very busy. It was of course another great opportunity to catch up with loads of friends and acquaintances many of whom I hadn’t seen for ages. These days as long as the show has good games and I can catch up with mates I’m happy; I don’t usually buy much at shows. This time I only bought a couple of Early War Miniatures WW2 French machine gun and mortar carts. I did however collect some railway tracks off Andy at Last Valley and a load of miniatures which my friend Barry had painted for me. I think everyone in our little party made some purchases, and Mark was like a kid in a sweet shop faced with all the games and traders. 

I took a great many photos, most of which can be seen below. If I missed anyone I apologise. I won’t caption what follows as there are too many.

Dastardly and Mutley.

Back to some frenzied painting of stuff now before we go away again at the end of next month, and with a bit of luck there’ll be another game next weekend. 

Last Saturday’s game will be written up and posted here as soon as I can.


  1. Thanks for putting up so many excellent photos Colin. Looks like it was a tremendous show.

  2. I was very pleased to see you Ashton Sahib, though your tan had faded somewhat. Thankfully though your hobby mojo seems not to have followed suit. For once I think I bought more than you too!

  3. Great photos Colin and great to say hello too!

  4. Thanks for all the photos Colin, glad you had an enjoyable and not too exhausting day out, cheers Chris

  5. Hello Colin,

    do you have any idea which manufacturer cast the miniatures on pictures 4 and 28?


    1. Hello. Sorry I have no idea.

    2. Hi, sorry but I can’t tell what they are.
