Friday, 25 August 2023

Odds and Ends

The sun total of this week’s output are these additional command figures for my Bismark’s Wars collection. Not my finest but at least they done and passable.

Von Bredow of his ‘Death Charge’ fame (Eagles to Empire figures)

Prussian dragoon officer (North Star) with a young lady in the dress of the Guard Hussars (Can’t remember the name of the company but they were I. The US and I believe are no longer trading).

Blurred French General for the FPW

Austrian chap more appropriate for 1859 but he will do fine for 1866.

Perry Prussian Napoleonic general I think with the epaulettes shaved off, extorting his man to finish the Frenchman off as they do t like it up ‘em. (Eagles to Empire).

Hardly the most productive of weeks but there is loads almost finished. I have based up the first of the Russians but they need sanding and flocking etc. to finish them off.

Hopefully I will be able to engineer enough time this weekend to get cracking on clearing the ‘almost completed’ stuff off my rather cluttered painting desk so I can start on some more Russians.  I might also investigate buying a new camera and/or a new printer, but a bit strapped for cash after being away. 

All back to normal state of confusion and dithering. 


  1. A decent weeks output by the standards I attain in GHQ! Your output will soon be back to your norm I'd expect.

  2. The lady hussar is by Hinterland Miniatures and sadly no longer trading. Thanks for sharing photos of your output.

  3. Amazed how you keep out put so high. Good to have you back
