Wednesday, 1 January 2020

First units of the decade based and ready for action.

Post 1 of 2020. The first units completed this year had their bases done today in the shape of two battalions of Austrian combined grenadiers for use either in Flanders, Eastern France, Germany, Switzerland and/or Italy. Everywhere really. The figures are from Revolutionary Armies and I painted  and based them all myself. There is a third battalion but it’s not quite ready. I doubt they carried standards but as I had a couple of spare lovely Adolfo Ramos flags I reckoned they needed a home and who better to carry them than these fine chaps.

I don’t know if I’ve ever posted about these infantry, representing four battalions of Dutch  for the early FRW. The castings are very old Foundry 1806 Saxons acquired in dim and distant past, probably when they had a sale on! They’ve already seen action but have never fired a shot in any of the three engagements they took part in.
These four battalions of Dutch are newly based but I did them before the end of  the year. They’re Revolutionary Armies castings again, and they look rather splendid. Now for the benefit of purists, button counters or even just those who know stuff, I know the flags are wrong as this pattern had been replaced by the FRW. However, information on 1790s Dutch flags is very hard to come by, even for my Dutch friends. They will do for now. Also, I am fully aware that the Scots regiments in the Dutch army had changed from red to blue coats before the FRW, but they add a splash of colour, and the French might even mistake them for English or Hanoverians!
I have a game on Saturday where most of these new units might well make their debut; well, they undoubtedly will. Happy New Year!


  1. Nice looking units Colin. No button counting here!

  2. Fab work on the Austrians! I await seeing them in battle soon.

  3. Gosh now I feel realy inadequate. It is 2 Jan here and we're ahead of you and I haven't even started a unit :)

    They do look very nice.


  4. Fine additions to the FRW armies there Colin. Not see the Revolutionary Wars range in the flesh yet.

  5. Splendid toys Colin...
    The grenadiers look rather lovely... as do the Dutch.

    All the best. Aly

  6. I like the diversity of your units. Great job.

  7. Great looking units and additions Colin. I feel a little poetic licence is good as history is rarely accurate 🤔
