Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Prussian Fusilier Battalion, War of the First Coalituon

A quick look at another unit I based up yesterday in the garden, a Prussian Fusiliers battalion for the French Revolutionary Wars.
The castings are by Revolotionary Armies, the painting is by Northumbrian Painting Services and the basing is by me (tufting and tidying up  still required when the tufts arrive).

I LOVE these figures. The whole range is tremendous and hopefully I will be able to post pictures of the grenadiers and musketeers before then end of the week. 


  1. Lovely uniform and very nice job!

  2. Wow. I always loved these silly hats.

  3. Nice look Prussians Colin! I like the variety of loading/priming/firing poses.

  4. Funny hats and pink facings, what’s not to love? They look great. Interesting period.

  5. Those are a very fine addition Colin.
