Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Down but not out 2; “A hey and a ho and a nonny nonny no”🎼

The final addition to my French War of the Polish and/Austrian succession army. The Gardes Lorraine. There is some debate about whether they really had yellow coats, but they’re my toys and the only other people I know with this unit also have it in yellow coats. Very striking they are too. Figures are  the Irish Pickets from Cran Tara, except for two or three Black Hussar minis.

My back is much better today and I can almost stand up straight and move around less painfully. Thanks for the kind words after my last post. My condition is something I’ve lived with for seven years and that’ll never go away and will get worse over time. So I’d better keep painting while I can. 

This selection of odds and ends as well as the French battalion at the top of the post were completed over the weekend and based today, all painted and based by me.

The preceding three photos are of  my Late Medieval/Early Italian Wars band. Figures from Eureka.

These gentlemen are from Colonel Bills and depict a preacher berating a couple of soldiers with better things to do than listen to him! Meant to be ECW but will do for the 30YW or even into the 1670’s.

I’ve got hold of a different grade of budgie grit for my bass which I rather like. It was one of those 3 o’clock in the morning purchases; I thought I’d ordered a 2.5 kilo bag. No. I got a 25 kilo bag that’s almost too heavy to move! Never mind I’m decanting it slowly into the Burrow and the amount of stuff I have that needs basing will soon eat through my grit supplies!


  1. All in a weekend? With a bad back? I think Dobbie must be lurking somewhere in the Burrow? Glad you're feeling more chipper though.

    1. No. They were started the previous week. Donnie was on holiday

  2. Great work Colin and good to see that the paintbrush is moving well. 25Kg of budgie grit - one wonders what sort of a bird fan needs that size of resource to start with (wonder if they have a side line in selling guano).

  3. You know my views on the uniforms of regiments Colin and as far as Im concerned the Garde Lorraine were decked out in yellow coats with black facings which were the livery colours of the kings father in law, the exiled King of Poland. One has to have colour in a wargame.

    1. Hi Robbie. I do indeed and I always admired your regiment. I agree endless lines of white for the French can be a little dull.

  4. The band remind me of the incredible string band. Oh dear showing my age and history of a dissolute youth. Well painted sir.

  5. It's not too difficult. In the period there were two Lorraine-regiments. "Lorraine" (67th) with white uniforms and "Royal Lorraine" in 1748. "The first uniform was yellow with black cuffs, but it was changed to a coat in "gris-blanc" with yellow cuffs..." (Etat general des troupes de France, 1748).
