Wednesday, 15 September 2021

One show I’m really looking forward to!

 All things being equal I shall be there with another big game.


  1. Hope it goes ahead and you enjoy your day! Too far for me though from the Midlands. It will be The Other Partizan next month for us!

  2. I have a sinking feeling that we're going to lose most of the Autumn Shows yet again.

  3. I would love to attend as I would The Other Partizan but...... you know the story.... I suspect that this year and early next is going to be somewhat frustrating. It's great to see the shows going ahead again but disappointing too. Have a grand old time and pleas take lots of pictures! :>)

  4. Really looking forward to the show too! I'm thinking positive that it will go ahead. God knows we need a boost. I'm braced for a bit of a shock to see the old faces I haven't seen for almost two years looking even older! I still get a shock each morning when I see my mush!

  5. Hope you stay fit and healthy Colin, so you can enjoy it. CG
