Wednesday, 14 September 2022

6th Btn Durham Light Infantry, May 1940

At last, to accompany the 1st Army Tank Bde featured in an earlier post, 6 DLI, part of 50 (Northumbrian) Division. The figures are a mixture of Early War Minis, some SHQ I think and the odd plastic chappie thrown in. The carrier is from PSC.

Carrier Platoon, with Boys ATR.

Battalion HQ, ATR and a 2” mortar.

The full unit, with mortar and carrier platoons.

These were quite easy and fast to finish. I’ve organised them as per Rapid Fire but they’ll do for pretty much any other set, such as Iron Cross.

 I’m happy with them although they’d win no prizes anywhere. Now on to 8 DLI and some basing.


  1. Look good to me . Like yourvbasing.

  2. Stout fellows ready to beat the Hun!

  3. They look really good. I know you have lots more interesting vehicles underpainted; I look forward to seeing them
