Saturday, 17 September 2022

Border Reiver Show, Saturday 17 September at Gateshead International Stadium

Today we (my glamorous driver and wife Katherine and I) nipped up to Gateshead for a quick visit to this local show which is a regular event in the convention diary. This event is more of an excuse to catch up with the wargaming diaspora over a coffee, cake and/or bacon buttie, and support a local club, so in that respect objectives were achieved. 

Here’s some photos of the games that didn’t involve giant robots, vampires or spaceships which are not my thing. So, in no particular order ……

WW2 Western Desert. British v Italians and Germans. 28mm by Westerhope Wargames Club.

Ancient naval in what appears to be 6mm.

North Shields’ 3D Wargamers put on this Jacobite rebellion game which was quite appealing. Some nicely painted highlanders in their plaid.

When I got close enough I could see that this was Egyptians v  Hittites. I think.

Dark Ages Viking Raid

All I bought were some MDF bases and a cup of weak coffee. I did not succumb to the voices in my head telling me to buy a piece of carrot cake or a bacon sandwich so I reckon I deserve a pat on the back for my restraint. I also didn’t buy any paints or washes, or any figures, books, terrain or brushes. I did get to catch up with the lads and other mates and acquaintances I’ve not seen for ages.

We only stayed for about an hour and a half and then home. I must thank the boss for insisting on taking me; we were planning on going into Durham afterwards but she’s not well and awaiting surgery in less than two weeks time as her colorectal cancer has returned, which is emotionally a strain for her but also for us both. She’ll be fine as her faith is strong  and although it is a scary thing to contend with we have to be positive.

A game is planned for next Saturday so I’m looking forward to that.


  1. Rather you didn't publish this but I do so wish both of you well. Hard times but chin up. You have given me so much pleasure with this blog in the last few years for which I thank . All the best and regards Bob C

  2. Great to see you (and a few others) at the show - I'llbe writing my own take on it tomorrow.
    Please give Katherine my regards and best wishes on the upcoming op.

  3. Good to see you both out and about, especially in trying personal circumstances. Give Katherine a hug for us. We will keep you both in our thoughts.

  4. Please give my v best wishes and love to Katherine. My thoughts and prayers are with with her.

  5. Good to see the show, Colin I would normally go but it coincided with my Daughters birthday weekend this year so I had family duties. Thinking of you both I know how worrying it can be, hope the surgery goes well 👍
