Tuesday, 8 November 2022

Battleground 2022

My local show is coming up soon, and I shall be there. I'm not putting a game on again this time due to my ongoing health issues and indeed those of Mrs A. However, I am contributing lots of Italian Wars stuff for the Durham Wargames Group game, collaborating with their recreation of the Battle of Pavia in 1525. It will certainly be of epic proportions!

It's only 5 minutes from the Burrow so I have no excuse not to go along to one of the best shows of the year; lots of parking, usually some really good games, plenty of traders, ample refreshments and its FREE to get in!

If you are there then come and say hello at the Pavia game.



  1. For those that cannot attend, please take photos of the Pavia game.

  2. Looking forward to seeing you there Colin

  3. Hopefully see you there Colin, I’m putting on another small participation game 👍

  4. Have a grand day out Colin! I hope Mrs A is progressing well. Give her our love.
