Friday, 4 November 2022

On Sunday I went to FIASCO and other stuff on parade

John and I nipped down to FIASCO in Leeds on Sunday. It is held at the Royal Armouries which is always a bonus. I hadn’t been to FIASCO since well before lockdown and as I had missed The Other Partizan was keen for an expedition south.

First of all the show. Possibly (but probably not) because of my growing curmudgeonly nature I am struggling to find much actually good to report beyond having a good day out and plenty of hobby related chat with John, Richard, John Reidy and Robbie albeit briefly, and the few other friends and acquaintances I spoke to.The games were pretty average with the exception of an excellent Italian Wars game from Ken ‘Yarkshire Gamer’ Reilly (the only game played in natural lighting) and a 16thC(?) Chinese v Burmese game using the excellent range from Tiger Miniatures. Sadly, it was so dark inside that  it wasn't feasible to take any photographs, which is a shame. Even with a flash! The dim lighting also meant that browsing some of the traders' stands was extremely difficult and in a peculiar piece of unfortunate serendipity Badger 3D Creations were in a very dark unlit and Stygian-like corner. It was also difficult to browse many of the other traders stalls due to the gloom. 

I did manage to find my way round the hall and bought some MDF bases off Pendragon, a box of Atlantic Goth infantry (like I need any more!) and a vast amount of standing corn/maize crops that had been somebody’s last year’s Christmas tree. Overall not the best of shows but a fine day out nonetheless.

So, the other stuff referred to in this post’s title is a parade of almost all of my Allied forces for the Fall of France.

A battery of French 75’s

Royal Artillery,  and Morris armoured cars of 12th Lancers

AMR35 tanks and a Laffley truck with a 47mm AT gun on the back.

Royal Artillery again

Mortar carts for the Senegalese Tirailleurs.

4th Northumberland Fusiliers motorcycle battalion.

Two battalions of French Dragon Portee with attached armoured squadrons and motorcyclists..

Senegalese again.

Overhead view of elements of 50th Division. Not pictured are 6 and 8 DLI.

So that's it for now. I have a Franco-Prussian War game to write up from this week, which I shall get to shortly.


  1. It seems Dobbie the Painting Elf has been busy again.

  2. Colin,
    Glad you got a show fix.. it’s not a show that I tend to go to now unless it’s to catch up with people. I’m sure you will be at Stockton this month? Looking forward to a chat.

  3. Excellent progress, Colin. I do like your BEF collection very much!

  4. Shame about the show , but perhaps I didn’t miss much. The early war collection has mushroomed very quickly 👍 looking forward to seeing them on the table
