Sunday, 21 January 2018

Messing around in boats

I've already posted pictures of my Royal Navy flotilla but as I am in the process of setting the table for a final game before we move I thought I'd snap a few quick shots of them edging their way towards and unsuspecting French port.

In addition to the above I have a further oared gunboat and four more landing boats in the queue, together with a couple of small sloops from Games of War, so quite a fleet!


  1. Very effective and a great way to have a final game in your house.

  2. Marvelous, truly marvelous...a big thank you to you for making me dream!

  3. Lovely work Colin. Have you got a ship to sit offshore and provide support?

  4. “So cheer up m’lads ‘‘tis to glory we steer!” Wonderful setting, Very Aubrey!

  5. Trust that you smashed something suitable against the boats to christen them.
