Monday, 27 May 2019

May production output.(updated 31 May)

May felt like a more productive month but in terms of actual numbers of figures ready for the table I think it was about the same. I think perhaps (no perhaps about it really) that finally getting the Sikh Wars collection on the table for a game after a wait of seven years since the bulk of the figures (I.e. most of the infantry) were painted is this month’s most significant milestone event. I must say I’m having great fun painting up the last remaining units for these armies, and my mojo is definitely running at full steam ahead, even if only for a few short periods each day.

Based (already painted):
10 Governor General's Bodyguard
40 Bengal Light Cavalry (4 regiments)

Completed (painted and based):
30 Bengal Irregular Cavalry
1 Maharajah's elephant (with Maharaja)
10 Sikh Akali cavalry
12 Sikh Akali infantry
60 Sikh Feudal/Irregular Infantry
1 Six-Bullock limber team and three Bengal Foot Artillery native gunners
1 European command base (3 figs).
2 Bhisti
8 Bengal Horse Artillerymen
2 variants of Harry Flashman


In the pipeline for June and already started are the 3rd Bengal Irregular Cavalry (Skinners Horse), some more Sikh feudal infantry and cavalry, another battery of Sikh artillery, Bengal Horse Artillery limbers, some Gurkhas (for both sides) and another European regiment (2nd Bengal Fusiliers). There are also some baggage camels and various vignettes in various stages of completion.

Later down the road I have HM 9th Lancers to do, hopefully in July. I have enough figures for another 3 or 4 battalions of Sikh regulars but don’t need to push these to the front of the queue. I will probably do them in white summer uniforms.

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