Saturday, 21 December 2019

From deep in the archives. Practical Wargamer March/April 1990

My friend Martin from the South London Warlords sent me these scans of an article written by Paul Stevenson that appeared in Practical Wargamer way back in the spring of 1990. That is almost 30 years ago although it seems longer! I think the game was played in late 1989 which would allow for some lead in time for publication. Anyway, I digress. The article is a piece on a massive 6mm refight of the Battle of Blenheim. I remember the game well funnily enough (not least as my car conked out on the way home thankfully just as I pulled up outside my house, but also for the lunch which I think was put together by Jeremy's nan).

Those pictured above who I'm still gaming with or see around the shows are instantly recognisable, if not a little greyer. Thanks Martin for finding this article and forwarding to me.


  1. I know this article well! Good to see it here.

    Best Regards and Merry Christmas a few days early,


  2. I picked up quite a few issues of Practical Wargamer (especially the ones that featured articles on the 7YW). But this issue passed me by. Pity!

  3. Fantastic insights in this article, and great maps.
    Thanks for this.

  4. Ah yes Blenheim. It took some organising and of course painting.I remember John and I struggling for uniform details and orders of battle which caused a lot of head scratching. I finally sold all the armies last year. It was a pull but had to be done.The final few terrain boards were given away a couple of weeks ago, still in first class condition. We used to make items that would last way back when.It seems an age ago when I dared to contact the great Charlie Wesencraft to invite him to play. What a real gentleman.
