Saturday 6 March 2021

Another quiet week, but finished with a quick change of gear ........basing frenzy time!!!!

In my world completing a wargames  unit is not unlike waiting for a bus; nothing, then several come along together! Same with my production line approach, as routinely I end up with two or three new units finished at more or less the same time. It also helps when my mate Barry comes up trumps and sends me a boxful of newly painted Late Roman figures (or whatever is next in the production line) for me to base up. 

I am in the middle of some commanders, light infantry, more cavalry of all types, and some bolt throwers. A fair chunk left to do though but there’s no rush.

On the war gaming front, I’ve taken part in a couple of enjoyable virtual ACW ironclad and 1/72 plastic WSS games over the past couple of weeks and I still attend the weekly Zoom meeting of the Worldwide Virtual Wargames Group when I can.

I really must host a game next weekend.


  1. Very nice Colin and you have certianly been busy.

  2. Hi Colin,

    nice to see this great army from one of my favourite periods.
    Thanks for the publicity about the Worldwide Virtual Wargames Club that Phil Olley initiated. If anyone feels they'd like to give it a look they can email me at
    The only initiation rite for new members is to tell us briefly something of their wargaming/military hobby story.

  3. That's about six months worth at this end! Collection growing nicely though. Hope the back is easier!
