Saturday, 8 May 2021

Late Romans on Parade.

 Well, the Late Romans I started just before Christmas last year have multiplied somewhat. Some 25-30 per cent were painted by my friend Barry, and I did the rest and based them all. Now, I decided I’d put each unit on a single base, to allow for my imagination to run riot on the scenics. Looking at them I think my imagination just ran off! I do like the single base approach; easier to move and store, and aesthetically quite pleasing. The bases are from The Big Red Bat shop, and I’m tempted to try out ‘To the Strongest’ at some point soon.

I’d originally planned on doing two Late Roman armies, which is still a possibility as this lot could be happily split into two. I’ve worked out the names of most of these units thanks to some really useful stuff on t’interwebby and plan to put little labels on each so I can keep track. My Roman commander Marcus Tulius Maximus Parmo is looking forward to taking the field soon.

I’ve still got a few bits to finish, such as a couple more pieces of artillery, a few more generals and two more units of legionaries. Anything else  depends on what useful bits I have left on the zillions of Gripping Beast sprues.

I have also completed the first of my Ostrogoths (they could be Visigoths instead). So far half a dozen units of close order infantry and the same of archers and javelin men. Photos soon.


  1. You cant beat a review Colin, it inspires you no end. I think General Parmo will go over the heads of a lot of wargamers. I do like the odd one though. Lovely army by the way and yes single bases are a great idea. It does mean each base can tell a story.

  2. Really impressive collection. Let your imagination have fun.

  3. They look great all grouped up on the table, nice work!

  4. As plaaaastic tatt goes those are quite presentable old chum!

  5. Very impressive. The Late Romans - the army of choice for every WRG 6th competitor.

  6. Nice looking army Colin - I also enjoyed listening to you chat with Yarkshire gamer the other day
