Sunday 11 July 2021

Goth Parade

Not a parade of the entire army as such but just the cavalry. Three weeks ago I foolishly said on Facebook that I'd finish 48 Goth cavalry (six units) in a week. No surprise to me or anyone on the planet that I missed that goal by a mile, but I'm pleased to report that the last unit was completed this morning. I've managed to double the number of Goth cavalry I now have available, with 12 units in total. They look pretty menacing. 

Also shown are two new commanders, one for the Goths and a lone Late Roman.


  1. Decent productivity there ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Very impressive force, 12 units is a significant cavalry arm ๐Ÿ‘

  3. That is indeed a Gothic horde, well done Sir.

  4. Well done, Mr painting machine! I credit all those CG paintings smiling down on your work table! Chris G

  5. They look like they will do some damage on the table!
