Saturday, 23 December 2017

A few additions

I've not been idle this last week and have managed to get some more figures out of the basing queue and into barracks.

I added to my generic gypsy band with the addition of three new dining girls courtesy of Stuart of Colonel Bills. I rebased these and the existing figures on a single base, which looks better I reckon.

Venedean Rebels to add to my French Revolutionary War collection, painted for me by Barry of the 'Like  a Stone Wall' group. The figures are a mixture of Trent and old Foundry. Very nice they look too. The flags are by The Flag Dude, acquired off Duncan Macfarlene. I have some more figures to finish basing up which will give me a nice little force to add another dimension to FRW games.

North Star 1672 civilians for my French/Dutch Wars project.
Another 1672 item, this time a Spanish cannon and crew painted by Mark Allen.
As are these Dutch gunners and cannon.

I hope to post some more photos before Christmas and do a roundup of the year's ups and downs before the end of the month.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and peaceful 2018.


  1. Those all look wonderful:). Hope you have a great Xmas and good 2018 too.

  2. Agreed! Merry Christmas, Colin!

    Best Regards,


  3. Splendid, fantastic and gorgeous details...Merry Christmas!

  4. Nice additions! Like the gypsy encampment.

  5. Wishing you a Merry Christmas too

  6. You have been busy!

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Nice to see these guys again, I remember having them in the Prussian camp at AMG 16. In fact I liked them so much I bought my own - the Wizkids Gypsy encampment whilst I was in NYC last week! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all.
    Merry Xmas :-)

  8. Very nice Colin, we should have a Vendee get together sometime!

  9. Hi Colin, They all look very nice, in particular the gypsy band look so much better on the base as one, my dad was in agreement with this to, 👍

    1. Hi Neil. Thanks for that. Hope you are keeping well and hope to catch up in 2018. All the best to you, the kids, and your mum and dad.
